Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Icon brain dump

So no pictures this blog... It feels like a pictureless topic anyways. So I've worked for Icon Security since April of 2006 which is a good chunk of time. On October 29th it was announced that we were merging with another company that does the same thing as us. This was interesting and scary news but a merger sounded not that bad. As things have ironed themselves out it turns out to be an acquisition more than a merger. What does this mean for us? Well our reps and techs are fine! They will pretty much do the same job just for a different company. Operations on the other hand is totally different! Pinnacle is the company that "acquired" Icon and they originally told us they were going to bring over 70-80% of our operations people. This is a big percentage so most of us weren't too worried. They have only hired 4 people so far so it's really not looking that great for the rest of us. I'm really not that worried about it. I have work with Icon for the next few months and that gives me time to find a new job and figure things out. Rodney is already hitting the new job front hard and I'm sure he'll have something good soon.

I'm not really sad about losing my job... I loved Icon but I didn't LOVE going to work everyday so this is probably a good opportunity for me. The sad thing is all the people. I have had a harder time than I thought I would thinking about not working with these amazing people every day. I have been so blessed with amazing co workers and bosses that it is going to be really hard to start all over not knowing anyone at a new place. I will truly miss all the friends I have made throughout my time at Icon and wish everyone well. Now I just have to make some big decisions. Stay in Utah or move somewhere new? Stay in the industry or start something new? Try my hand in a new business venture? Go to school? So many options and so to avoid them... I will just think about visiting my cute nieces and not making any life changing decisions! :)


mandy said...

Sorry about Icon. That totally sucks. On a happier note, I vote that you move to Texas. Pretty please?

Merkley Jiating said...

Such a sad day. I hope everything works out!

beckie said...

Um, get out of the industry. Run for your life.

I know its sad to leave Icon from personal experience but its just another step in the road. Plus we'll still have girl's lunches and maybe we can invite Justin Blackham for good times sake.

Good luck with the job hunt!